Everything you need to know about Paperekart Platform

19/01/2021  1355 Views



Everything You Need To Know About PaperEkart Platform

The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic in the year 2020 led to the stringent lockdown regulation across several nations resulting in disruption in import and export activities of corrugated industry related products. This circumstance has led to an increasing shift from the conventional brick and mortar channels towards the new modern e-commerce platform that makes purchasing of goods easy thereby catalysing the demand for corrugated boxes for major packaging solutions.

Another general issue that was observed across all major corrugated industry players was non-moving of their stocks across the nations. This hype and issue helped us to think out of the box to design a platform that solves this issue of the various patrons associated with the industry.

That's where the PaperEkart platform came into existence..

So, What is PaperEkart Platform?

PaperEkart is a B2B Multi Vendor Marketplace helping enterprises in procuring and selling different types of paper that includes kraft paper, Duplex paper, Maplitho paper, SBS paper, FBB paper, and imported paper along with used and new corrugation machines. This platform is designed to revolutionize the corrugated box industry by providing a virtual stockist platform for corrugators, paper mills and physical stockists. It also aims to make every machine manufacturer a global player.

What does the PaperEkart platform do?

We are mainly focused on 5 things

  • Monetization of unused paper stocks of the different stakeholders.
  • Meeting OnDemand paper requirement of paper convertors as there is lead time between demand and supply because of inherit nature of customization.
  • Increase in transparency between different parties and act as a bridge to build trust among them as mostly parties dealing is unknown to each other and includes credit term.
  • Give paper convertor a greater bandwidth in selling their used machines directly to another buyer and help them in procurement of new machines by providing comparison and other related details from multiple vendors at one place.
  • Help machine manufacturers both used and new to increase their presence across locations making world a global village for them

How Does PaperEkart platform work?

PaperEkart is available on both WEB as well as using mobile APP. The usage of the platform comprises of the below steps:

  • Go to the official website of PaperEkart.com
  • Set up your account on PaperEkart.com
  • During registration, fill in the complete account details such as name, company name, email address, phone number, location, interested area, and password
  • Along with the information filled, you will have to agree to the terms and conditions of the platform.
  • After successfully creating your account, you can login, view the required kraft paper, duplex paper, sheet based on filters according to your needs.
  • You can place the order for your requirements.
  • Another new feature that has come up in PaperEkart, is you can also buy and sell the corrugated machines.
  • For selling options, this platform enables you to list the machine details.
  • The following information has to be filled while listing your machine on the PaperEkart platform. The details include Category of machine, its subcategory, whether it is new or old machine, machine status, brand, rate include both starting price and maximum price, manufacturing year of the machine, size, location, select package, machine title and description along with images and videos of the machines.
  • Once the machine is listed, it will be shown on the home page of PaperEkart.
  • The same process is applicable if you use mobile phones.
  • Once the information gets live, you are good to go.
  • The purchase enquiries of your listed product also is sent to you via email.
  • Get quotes from B2B suppliers listed in various categories on PaperEkart
  • You can also provide Ads on paperekar both WEB and APP which is highly effective because its very specific audience based.

Based on the end use, you can order the paper products from PaperEkart in an easy and flexible manner. Join PaperEkart Today! To register, click here!

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