What is Ergonomics Packaging ?

PaperEkart - Admin
30/08/2022  2873 Views

Ergonomic Packaging is designed to protect consumers from potentially handling a product inefficiently or ineffectively.
 Such designs ensures that packaging is intuitive to several human factors, such as ease of access to product inside, the grip of package, size, and form for interaction.
Innovative and ergonomic packaging could be the edge your product needs to rise above the competition.
Its like placing the brand’s target market at the core of product design and approaching it in an ergonomic perspective visual, functional and help develop a package that improves user experience.

Use clear and visible clues in the packaging to indicate its functions. 
Ensure that your customers know the purpose of the specific elements in your packaging and how to handle, open, remove, and dispense them properly. The packaging itself must show and communicate well how customers should respond to it. Include visual and tactile pointers to assist customers when interacting with your product. 


• Assess your target audience and adjust as you see fit.
The age of your target market requires special attention in package design. Design the packaging to suit the needs of your target consumers and make their experience interacting with your product hassle-free.


• Design packaging with handles suitable for the weight of the product.
For single-serve and bulk format packaging, pay attention to the package shape and how you want consumers to carry them.


• Consider the environmental factors.
Insufficient or defective packaging can often lead to environmental consequences and concerns. The packaging lifespan is relatively short, but it should provide value throughout—from containment to protection and delivery. 


• For items that require a grip, make sure surfaces have enough traction.
Items with round product packaging, such as bottles, cans, and jars, are difficult to grip, as are products with glossy or slippery packaging materials. For products with round or cylindrical housing, consider customizing the contact surfaces of the packaging to provide sufficient grip. 
• Do enough real-world tests to find out if your product passes ergonomics testing.
Real-life feedback and experiences from consumers provide valuable insights into research design and a product launch’s overall success.

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